Why You Won’t Regret Having a Training Toolbox

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As a trainer, you understand the importance of having a well-planned training program. But have you ever considered the benefits of having a training toolbox ready to go? 

As a team who has spent countless hours creating and delivering training sessions, we know how challenging it can be to keep things fresh and engaging. Having a training toolbox is one of the easiest ways to always be prepared for an engaging impromptu training. That’s why we want to convince you into having a training toolbox. Trust us, it’s a game-changer!

What is a Training Toolbox

A training toolbox is a collection of resources, tools, and materials that you can use to support and enhance your training sessions. This can include anything from visual aids and handouts to interactive activities and online resources. The beauty of it is that you can customize your toolbox to fit your needs and the needs of your trainees. In this blog, we will explore the usefulness of having a training toolbox.

Having a training toolbox is essential for any trainer who wants to save time, enhance the learning experience for trainees, provide flexibility, and increase consistency.

Why Should You Have a Training Toolbox

Saves time and energy: A training toolbox saves you time and energy. When you have a toolbox, you don’t have to spend hours searching for the perfect handout or activity for each session. Everything you need is right at your fingertips, ready to go. This is especially important if you’re a busy trainer with limited time to prepare for each session or you have staff needing training at different times.

Enhances the learning experience for trainees: Having a toolbox also enhances the learning experience for your trainees. By using a variety of resources and tools, you can cater to different learning styles and keep your trainees engaged throughout the session. And let’s face it, engaged trainees are more likely to retain information and apply it in their work.

Provides flexibility: Another benefit of having a toolbox is flexibility. With a variety of tools and resources at your disposal, you can adapt your training session to meet the needs of your trainees. Maybe you have a group of beginners who need more guidance, or maybe you have a group of experts who are looking for a challenge. With a toolbox always ready for action, you can adjust your approach to fit their needs.

Increases consistency: Having a toolbox increases consistency. By using the same resources and tools for each session, you can reinforce the learning objectives and ensure that your trainees are all on the same page. This is especially important if you’re delivering a multi-session training program.

Building Out Your Training Toolbox

Your training toolbox should be unique to your training style and the needs of your trainees. The point is to have a variety of resources and tools at your disposal so that you can create engaging and effective training sessions. Here are some examples of resources and tools that can be included in your training toolbox:

Visual Aids: Visual aids are a great way to engage your trainees and help them understand complex concepts. Examples of visual aids include PowerPoint presentations, flipcharts, models, replicas and videos. Make sure to keep your presentations and necessary equipment, like a jump drive, in your toolbox for easy access. If there is equipment that doesn’t stay stored in your toolbox i.e. a computer to watch videos on, be sure to include instructions on how to access and use. 

Handouts: Handouts are a great way to provide additional information to trainees. They can be used to summarize key points, provide definitions, or offer additional resources. Handouts can be in the form of a booklet, a one-page document, or a brochure. Having these pre-prepared handouts in your toolbox ensures that they are available when needed. Keeping handouts organized by subject matter is easy in a file box or accordion folder

Interactive Activities: Interactive activities are a great way to keep your trainees engaged and encourage active participation. Examples of interactive activities include ice breakers, role-playing exercises, group discussions, and games. These activities can be easily prepared ahead of time and kept in your toolbox.

Online Resources: Online resources, such as webinars, e-learning modules, and online forums, are a convenient and accessible way to provide additional information and support for your trainees. Keeping links to these resources in your toolbox can make it easier to share them with trainees during the training session. You can also have QR codes that link to a specific page so your staff can access anywhere. 

General Supplies: For almost any training, you’re going to need some general supplies like name tags, pens, markers, and clipboards. You may also have a generic sign in sheet where you can fill in the name and type of training session you had. Other items that can come in handy during training are things like scissors, painter’s tape, scotch tape, staplers, assorted paper clips, note pads, flipchart easel and post-it notes.

Other Items That You May Want To Include In Your Toolbox Are:

  • Ice breakers and activity needs: Pre-plan a few icebreakers and activities to use at the start of class, between breaks, or to reinforce a teaching point. Keep items such as balls, candy, or blocks in your kit depending on the activities pertaining to your team culture.
  • Training Manuals: A comprehensive training manual can provide a wealth of information and resources for your trainees. It’s also great to have on hand for reference for you as the trainer if there is a question.
  • Interactive Whiteboards: Interactive whiteboards can be used to create dynamic and engaging presentations and activities.
  • Training Videos: Training videos can be used to provide visual demonstrations of key concepts or to show real-world examples.
  • Pre-Printed Quizzes and Answer Keys: If your participants need to pass an exam, having copies ready to go may be helpful. You may also want to have multiple versions. If you want to ensure the security of your exams, be sure to keep them locked up and away from tempted staff.

In conclusion, having a training toolbox is essential for any trainer who wants to save time, enhance the learning experience for trainees, provide flexibility, and increase consistency. It’s a game-changer that will make your life easier and your training sessions more effective. Start building your toolbox today, and let’s make training more engaging and fun!

For more on how to build out engaging and effective training sessions, enroll in our Training & Development Mini-Course as part of our full Staff Management Course.

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