Recruitment and Culture are Intertwined

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If you want to build a strong, happy and productive workplace, you need to start with hiring excellent staff. You can’t do this alone, but if you hire the right people who share your values and team spirit, then they will grow together into an excellent workplace community.

You can’t create an excellent workplace by yourself, but you can hire people who will grow one for you.

photo of people doing handshakes
You can’t create an excellent workplace by yourself, but you can hire people who will grow one for you.
Photo by fauxels on

The first step is to be sure that the people who join your team are passionate about what they do, willing to learn and grow, willing to help each other, and willing to take risks. They should also be able to work independently while still being a part of a team.

Once you have the right people in place, make sure that they are treated well. This means providing a safe environment for them to work and live in, offering fair pay and benefits, giving them opportunities to learn new skills, and treating them like adults.

The most important part of creating a happy workplace environment is hiring excellent senior managers and executives who are willing to give the kind of support that the junior staff need.

Creating a happy workplace environment is like building a house on swampy ground. You can’t create it by yourself, but you can hire people who will grow one for you. As a manager, it becomes your responsibility to carry on the strong values and positive culture while becoming a mentor to those around you.

The most important part of creating such an environment is hiring excellent managers and supervisors who are willing to give the kind of support that the junior staff need. If your company has a toxic culture, it’s likely because there aren’t enough leaders who are actively working against that culture by hiring new employees that fit into their vision of “what we’re trying to build.” This means they’re not only looking for people with relevant skills or experience; they’re also looking for cultural fits (people who share their values) and diversity (a racial and gender mix that reflects current trends).

The best way to recruit excellent new employees is to have employees who love working for you and tell their friends how much they enjoy it.

The best way to recruit excellent new employees is to have employees who love working for you and tell their friends how much they enjoy it. That’s because people who love their work are more likely to recommend your company to others, work harder, stay longer, be loyal to the company and organization, be happy and positive in the workplace—and even have better ideas and insights than those who don’t like their job.

People join organizations not just for a paycheck but also for a sense of belonging. They want to feel like part of something bigger than themselves—a collective endeavor where everyone understands what matters most: making a difference in the world around us.

If they can’t find that sense of purpose at your company or organization—or if you don’t give them opportunities within the business where they can make an impact with their work—then why would anyone want anything other than just getting paid?

This means you need to provide maximum opportunity for your staff to get involved in the recruitment process

There are several ways to encourage and reward your employees for their recruitment efforts, and it begins with including them in the hiring process. From the start, you should survey your team for what they feel the gaps are that need to be filled, and what needs they have in a team member. Then, look internally as the current team may be aware of a candidate in house that has those skills that you as the manager are unaware of. If the position can’t be filled in house then work with your staff to begin the recruitment process.

Your staff’s social media have a far reach.   Depending on your social media policy, if utilized correctly can be a great asset as they can post pre-curated approved job advertisements on their accounts.  This is especially useful for targeting seasonal, hospitality, food service workers, frontline healthcare assistance and part time positions for a variety of industries. 

Referral bonus programs are a great incentive to get your employees to assist in the recruitment efforts, and we suggest providing some training on how to recruit and spot talent during their daily activities.  Their favorite barista, babysitter or server may be a great addition to the customer service department.   The program does not have to offer monetary rewards,  however, if you have it in your budget, cash is a universal currency that is appreciated by all and we have found to be the best incentive. 

We highly recommend starting your recruitment efforts using your internal staff as they tend to yield the best outcomes. Remember when working with your team to recruit, clear messaging and open dialogue about new recruits allows for a more welcoming staff.

We hope that by reading this article, you have gained some insight into how recruitment can effect your culture develops for your company. We know it can be a daunting task to hire the right candidate to carry out your vision, but we hope that the tips here will help you along the way! For more guidance and template to help you hire the right candidate check out our staff management course and some of our many recruitment resources.

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