Managing Risk and Fostering Success Beyond the Blueprint

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two men looking over blueprints with construction happening in background

Expanding a business is undeniably thrilling. It marks a period of innovation, growth, and promise. However, amidst this excitement, crucial elements like safety and communication can often slip through the cracks, potentially derailing the entire project. Expansion isn’t solely about the blueprint and grand vision; it’s equally about managing risk that goes beyond the obvious. Recently, High Road Management Training hosted a webinar with GMAPs’ Ken Handler, highlighting some of essential practices revolving expansion projects, which you can explore here.

While expansion plans typically revolve around architectural blueprints, financial projections, and grand opening marketing strategies, there are often overlooked yet crucial aspects that hold equal significance. As a manager leading the operational side of this venture, diving into these overlooked essentials becomes crucial to ensure the success of your expansion. 

Securing Physical Spaces: Beyond Fencing and Blocking

Securing physical spaces during expansion goes beyond basic fencing and blocking. It involves prioritizing safety, accident prevention, and actively managing risk while safeguarding ongoing operations. In addition to these measures, clear signage strategically placed around construction zones or hazardous areas ensures everyone is aware of risks and necessary precautions, effectively managing risk factors associated with accidents or unawareness.

Equally vital is providing and enforcing safety gear, such as hard hats, reflective vests, and goggles for individuals entering these areas, thereby mitigating risks associated with potential hazards. Regular hazard assessments, safety protocol evaluations, and effective communication about restricted zones are crucial throughout the expansion phase to actively manage and mitigate risks.

Ultimately, it’s about prioritizing safety to minimize risks for all involved, ensuring everyone understands potential dangers and is equipped to navigate them safely. Managing risk becomes a cornerstone of this approach, emphasizing the proactive measures taken to mitigate potential hazards and ensure a secure environment amidst expansion efforts.

Preparing for Hiring and Training: Cultivating the Right Team

Preparing for staffing during an expansion requires proactive planning to seamlessly integrate new team members. Craft detailed job descriptions early, emphasize growth opportunities and the company culture to attract candidates aligned with the project’s vision. Establish a hiring timeline aligned with expansion milestones, focusing on filling critical management roles first. Generate excitement through various channels to engage potential staff and develop comprehensive training programs that align with the project’s needs and foster a sense of belonging. Investing in these aspects lays the groundwork for a capable and motivated team crucial to the expansion’s success.

Marketing the New Project: Beyond the Grand Opening

Marketing serves as the heartbeat of any expansion, extending far beyond the grand opening. Crafting a comprehensive strategy involves more than generating pre-launch buzz; it’s about sustaining interest well into the post-launch phase. This includes ongoing promotional campaigns, deliberate community engagement efforts, and soft launch events post-completion to create an initial buzz and engage the local community. 

In today’s digital age, collaborating with influencers has become instrumental in reaching a broader audience and maintaining momentum through the launch phase. Being sure to diversify marketing initiatives ensures a sustained and impactful presence in the market, fostering a continuous dialogue with the audience and embedding the project as an integral part of the local fabric.

Communication: Key for Staff and Customer Relations

Communication stands as a crucial yet often underestimated factor in expansion efforts, especially in managing risk. Timely and transparent communication concerning changes, closures, or restricted areas is paramount for both staff and customers. This practice cultivates trust and comprehension, effectively minimizing potential discontent during transitions and managing risk factors.

Establishing realistic time frames and openly addressing possible delays or unforeseen challenges helps manage expectations and minimizes frustration, reducing risks associated with misunderstandings or dissatisfaction.

When altering locations or processes for customer service—be it package pickups, takeout orders, processing season passes, or item drop-offs—it’s vital to ensure everyone is well-informed about these changes to mitigate risks associated with customer dissatisfaction. Nothing damages a customer relationship more than subjecting them to unnecessary hassles or confusion due to ongoing changes. Keep their needs at the forefront to minimize risks.

Similarly, staff members require clear communication, reducing risks associated with disengagement or uncertainty. Whether it’s about new parking arrangements, altered work hours due to area closures, or reassurances about their roles during the expansion—ensuring they feel supported throughout the process is key in managing risks. Lack of communication shouldn’t leave them feeling adrift amidst the changes, thereby mitigating risks related to decreased morale or productivity.

Effectively preparing your team to embrace these changes becomes paramount in managing risk, emphasizing adaptability and the need for clear, proactive communication. Establishing realistic time frames, being transparent about potential delays, and emphasizing patience underscore the importance of flexibility in navigating the evolving landscape of expansion while managing associated risks.

More on project management communications publishing in next week’s blog!

Potential Service Interruptions: Managing Expectations and Upholding Standards

Frequent occurrences of temporary service interruptions are often unavoidable. These could arise from internal processes needing pause, scheduled power shutdowns, adjustments in electrical or water supply, internet outages, office relocations, and more. Proactively engaging in communication with both staff and customers well in advance of these disruptions becomes crucial to managing risk.

Maintaining unwavering quality standards amid expansion is paramount. Instilling in your team the significance of upholding these benchmarks becomes vital, especially in managing risk. Communicating any temporary adjustments or precautionary measures taken to safeguard and elevate quality throughout the expansion process becomes instrumental in assuring consistency and managing potential risks.

Providing early notification about potential disruptions becomes pivotal in managing expectations and mitigating risks. Moreover, offering alternative solutions or temporary measures stands as a proactive approach to alleviate dissatisfaction and offer reassurance during these transitional periods. This consistent commitment to quality, even amidst change and managing risks, reinforces trust and loyalty among both staff and customers.


In summary, expansion is a multifaceted journey that demands comprehensive attention. Managing risk as well as these often-overlooked facets alongside conventional expansion strategies is crucial for success. By proactively addressing these additional aspects and maintaining open communication, you not only manage risks but also cultivate an environment of transparency, trust, and collaborative synergy. Remember, successful expansions aren’t just about the project; they’re about cultivating relationships and understanding throughout the entire process, ensuring a unified and successful outcome.

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